Today, I was surprised by God. I don’t know why I am ever surprised by a God so big and so good, but he is working miracles beyond what I thought possible. In our visits today, the theme seemed to be one of orphans giving back to their community and to other orphans. These kids, who have only been off the streets for two years, now have their own businesses of farming, livestock, tailoring, construction, craft making and others. And, because they now have enough to live on and have some saved, they, on their own accord, decided to share with those around them.
One community went to train another younger community in their farming skills. Another group gave away ten goats to ten needy families in their neighborhood. They did not even know these families, but asked the local officials to direct them to those who were the most in need. It was a powerful moment when a child gave a goat to an elderly lady who could barely stand, then says it is because God showed him love and told him to show love to others by sharing with them.
We listened to Grace share her story of losing 9 siblings and her parents in the genocide, leaving her to live with an abusive aunt who eventually rejected her. As tears rolled down her face (and ours), she said that once she had a home and food to eat she went to find another orphan who she had met and adopted her. Grace is only 18.
We talked to a group of girls who were able to go to trade school through Zoe. Now they make beautiful clothing and are teaching others their trade so they do not have to pay for school.
We ended the day eating bread made by Vincent, who made enough to share with his group while we all celebrated their success. They gave us some beautiful hand-made gifts and a chicken. Yes, a live chicken. You will have to hear that story in person. That same young man apologized to his community for being a problem before Zoe. He said he used to steal, but now he is a respected leader in the group and is doing all he can to help his neighbors.
These kids are beautiful, humbling, and inspiring. I wish you could all be here to see them and hug them, but we are showering them with love for you. Grace and peace be with you. More tomorrow…
I’ve been keeping up with your blog and I just wanted you to know that I’m really enjoying it. I’m looking forward to more. God is BIG Enough.