Read the Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids in Matthew 25:1-13. Read this from a children’s bible or substitute the word “Bridesmaid” for “Virgin” in an adult bible. This will save you some extra explanation with younger kids!
The Bible story is about the ten young ladies–five had oil in their lamps (to be able to see where they were going) and five had none so they were not ready. The first five were wise. They knew they would need their lamps from experience, so they made a wise choice to get the oil and be ready when the bridegroom came for them.
Wisdom is about knowing what is right and then doing the right thing. The first five were wise; they knew what to do and they did it.
Ask: Why do you think the other five were not ready? (Maybe they thought they had plenty of time, maybe they were lazy, maybe they didn’t care, etc.) How do you think they felt when they could not get back in to see the bridegroom because they had not prepared? Do you think they regretted their choices?
Share about a time when you were not prepared and ready. Let other family members share as well. Discuss why you were unprepared. Was it laziness, lack of understanding, defiance?
Talk about the wisdom of being prepared. Plan a fire drill. Practice a setting when you see the fire occur (as in a fire while cooking), and a setting when the fire is detected by smoke alarms (as if you were asleep). Discuss what you learned from practicing and adapt your plan. This is wisdom in process. Knowing the right thing to do, practicing, using the experience to adapt, and then being ready to do the right thing.
Talk about ways you can be wise in other settings (school, work, friendships, etc.)