Stretching Our Faith and Funds
It’s not easy to ignore the growing anxiety, the mounting bills, and the uncertainty of the job market . . . even if you’re only six years old. Chances are the kids in our lives are hearing nervous chatter from relatives, teachers, and friends, both at home and at school. It is ok to talk about finances in front of them, but it is best to do so in a very up front manner. Otherwise the bits and pieces they hear can make their imaginations run wild. Assure them that God is still present and is watching over our family.
Challenge Them to Be Good Stewards
Tell them what you are doing to help and then offer them some concrete ways to pitch in and make a difference as well. Brainstorm with your kids about how to stretch your food, clothing, and other supplies. How can you waste less? Talk about ways to save. List things you can go without for a while. Let them come up with their own ideas. You will be surprised at what they will be willing to do if they know it is for the good of their family. And doing something feels better to children than just hearing about the problem.
Connect the Word to the World
Don’t miss this opportunity to make the connection between today’s tough times and the tough times in Scripture. Nearly every story we in the bible highlights God’s faithfulness, provision, and care. God is still at work, delivering his people and calling us to trust him in every situation. Listen to your kid’s worries and concerns and lift them up together in prayer. That will help them cultivate trust in God. The most important thing is to reassure them that you all have to do your part, but ultimately God is enough for all of our worries.